December 23, 2010
RANDOM RICK-NESS I’m counting on YOU! I need 177 of you to donate 5 bucks to my Salvation Army kettle. The Salvation Army entrusted ME with raising 963 dollars for them and I am WOEFULLY short! I only raised 75 bucks so far and TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Maybe it’s because I don’t have a Facebook page to spread the word. If you do, would you post this on it, or a link to my kettle? For each 5 dollar donation, you are automatically entered for a drawing to win a trip for two to Cancun. Money raised feeds people ... HERE for full story

December 22, 2010
RANDOM RICK-NESS I’m counting on YOU! I need 178 of you to donate 5 bucks to my Salvation Army kettle. The Salvation Army entrusted ME with raising 963 dollars for them and I am WOEFULLY short! I only raised 70 bucks so far and TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Maybe it’s because I don’t have a Facebook page to spread the word. If you do, would you post this on it, or a link to my kettle? For each 5 dollar donation, you are automatically entered for a drawing to win a trip for two to Cancun. Money raised feeds people ... HERE for full story

December 21, 2010
RANDOM RICK-NESS This sounds like the intro to a classic joke…but it really happened; A guy walks into a bar dressed in a red suit with a white beard carrying a sack…and a gun, which he points at the bartender who runs and hides, then takes out his cell phone to call 9-1-1. Can you imagine the conversation? Dispatch: can you describe the robber? Bartender: well he was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, and his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot. Dispatch: Any distinguishing facial features? Bartender: well, he had a broad face…and ... HERE for full story

December 20, 2010
Morning Show Musings for Monday, December 20th Rick is taking a well deserved day off, so "Random Rickness" is on vacation as well, but they'll both be back tomorrow. In the meantime, here's what the U-Man was talking about this morning: Happy birthday to some rock legends. Alan Parsons was born this date in 1948 in the UK. And Peter Criss of KISS began life as Peter George John Criscoula this date in 1945. Guys know him as the Catman who plays drums. Women know him as the god who created "Beth." (Yes, almost all women on the planet swoon ... HERE for full story

December 17, 2010
RANDOM RICK-NESS I blew Christmas! I lost my iPod several months ago. I was Christmas shopping yesterday when I saw a deal that offered a free $25.00 gift card with an iPod purchase and I thought ‘eureka’! I get the iPod and my wife will get the gift card in her stocking. Win-Win, right? Wrong! When my wife got home last night and saw the iPod on the dining room table she was NOT happy. THAT was to be my BIG present this year from her. She had already purchased an iPod and had it hidden for the big day. ... HERE for full story

December 16, 2010
RANDOM RICK-NESS Thanks to listener Mark for sending these. I can’t attest to their effectiveness ‘cause I just got this, but given our winter mix of snow ‘n’ sleet on the horizon, they seem worth a try. Keep your headlights clear with car wax! Just wipe ordinary car wax on your headlights. It contains special water repellents - lasts 6 weeks. Wipe windshield wipers with a cloth saturated with rubbing alcohol or ammonia. This one trick can make badly streaking & squeaking wipers change to near perfect silence & clarity. Ice-proof your windows with vinegar! Fill a spray bottle with ... HERE for full story

December 15, 2010
RANDOM RICK-NESS Its cold and its Christmas shopping time. When we go to the malls we’re likely wearing heavy coats or we’re well ‘layered’. So shouldn’t the malls take this into consideration? It seems like their thermometers are cranked up cause in less than a half hour I was sweatin’ like it was July. Just another holiday observation. MORNING MUSINGS Morning Show Musings for Wednesday, December 15th Rick may have found his dream car. The new Nissan Quest minivan has a feature you don't find in your average minivan: a strip club finder built into its GPS! You drop the ... HERE for full story

December 14, 2010
RANDOM RICK-NESS Thanks to listener Mark for sending these. I can’t attest to their effectiveness ‘cause I just got this, but given our winter mix of snow ‘n’ sleet on the horizon, they seem worth a try. Keep your headlights clear with car wax! Just wipe ordinary car wax on your headlights. It contains special water repellents - lasts 6 weeks. Wipe windshield wipers with a cloth saturated with rubbing alcohol or ammonia. This one trick can make badly streaking & squeaking wipers change to near perfect silence & clarity. Ice-proof your windows with vinegar! Fill a spray bottle with ... HERE for full story

December 13, 2010
RANDOM RICK-NESS I wanted to watch the Patriots/Bears game yesterday but the network channel gave us the Chiefs instead. Certainly the technology exists to allow a ‘vote’ as to which game will be televised. How about this. Each remote control device will be pre-programmed by your cable or satellite provider to allow for 1 vote. The t-v screen lists the games available for any given time period. You scroll to the game you want televised and ‘vote’ (like video on demand) and whichever game gets the most ‘votes’ in your area (region) is shown. MORNING MUSINGS Morning Show Musings for ... HERE for full story

December 10, 2010
RANDOM RICK-NESS I’ll be preaching to the choir if you’re already a fan of Frank Zappa. But I’m hopeful that these observations will get non-fans to either reconsider (if you’ve formed an opinion) or discover Zappa if you never have. This post results from the concert this past Wednesday at the Pageant featuring Frank’s son Dweezil. I go to many concerts and while most are great entertainment, only a few over the decades have been jaw dropping, leaving me in awe. This was the case on Wednesday. I’ve seen the Zappa Plays Zappa show before and I‘ve been a Frank ... HERE for full story
MORE Random Rick-ness