December 16, 2010


Thanks to listener Mark for sending these. I can’t attest to their effectiveness ‘cause I just got this, but given our winter mix of snow ‘n’ sleet on the horizon, they seem worth a try.

  • Keep your headlights clear with car wax! Just wipe ordinary car wax on your headlights. It contains special water repellents - lasts 6 weeks.

  • Wipe windshield wipers with a cloth saturated with rubbing alcohol or ammonia. This one trick can make badly streaking & squeaking wipers change to near perfect silence & clarity.

  • Ice-proof your windows with vinegar! Fill a spray bottle with three parts vinegar to one part water & spritz it on all your windows at night. In the morning, they'll be clear of icy mess.

  • Prevent car doors from freezing shut with cooking spray! Spritz cooking oil on the rubber seals around car doors & rub it in with a paper towel.

  • Fog-proof your windshield with shaving cream! Spray some shaving cream on the inside of your windshield & wipe if off with paper towels. Shaving cream has many of the same ingredients found in commercial defoggers.

  • De-ice your lock in seconds with hand sanitizer! Just put some hand sanitizer gel on the key & the lock & the problems solved!


Poor Blues!! They had a bad time in Detroit. Surprise! But it's not a surprise when you consider how many of their top scorers are out with

injuries: T.J. Oshie, David Perron, Andy McDonald and Alex Pietrangelo. Click HERE

But yay for Alice!! The 62-year old told Billboard he no longer feels like the Pete Rose of rock, now that he's being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Cooper says, quote, "It did get to be kind of a joke, not being nominated. I was saying, 'Okay, I'm the Pete Rose of rock 'n roll.' So now that it's a reality, it's a different take on it. Now I sit there and go, 'Wow. Wow! We've got to really get up and play and assume the position of being in the Hall of Fame. It'll be great.'" He's not only comparing himself to Pete Rose (which I think is a bad comparison, because you KNOW Rose would have gotten in to the Hall of Fame on the fist try!), he's feeling a little Susan Lucci-y. Alice says, quote, "Every year I am plagued with this: 'How come you're not in the Hall of Fame?' And this year I can finally go, 'I am.' I don't have to answer that question any more, and that's a big relief. I was afraid I was gonna be the Susan Lucci, ya know?"

We're asking folks to donate to our online Salvation Army kettles here on the KHITS website, and we're offering a little sweetener to the deal. Not only are you donating to a wonderful organization that spends your gift wisely to help people in need right here in the bi-state, but, for every $5 you donate, you're entered to win a faboo Funjet Vacation! So, if you donate $5, you're entered once. Donate $10 and you're entered twice. And so on (but I won't go on, cuz I hate math.) But some people don't seem to understand the concept of charity. This week, four boys between 12 and 15 years old stole a Salvation Army collection kettle outside a Chicago grocery store. The kettle had about $30 in it, but the cost to replace the actual kettle and signage would have been about $750. The boys got caught and were charged with misdemeanor theft. But one of the kids' parents came up with an even better punishment. They told the police they were going to take ALL of the Christmas presents they bought for their son this year and donate them to the Salvation Army instead. Now THAT'S good parenting! Click HERE

As Conan said, Mark Zuckerberg told reporters he was honored to be named "Time" magazine's "Person of the Year" and then asked, "What's a magazine?" (That 26-year old little whippersnapper gets all his info online...) Here's Time's official "Person of the Year" announcement: Click HERE

And here's an unofficial fan site for Mark Zuckerberg. Wow, some people love him so much, they spend their time doing this

Rick and I aren't on da Facebook yet, but we're obviously WAY in the minority. Rick told us that 1 out of every 12 people on earth has a

Facebook profile. Whew! And membership goes up 700,000 people EVERY DAY!  And Facebook accounts for 1 out of every 4 page views in the U.S. Even the U-Man is on Facebook. Rick and I are old...

Zuckerberg is NOT old. He's an infant. In fact, he's the second youngest person ever to win "Person of the Year" honors. Charles Lindbergh was the first winner, back in 1927, after his legendary trans-Atlantic flight. (Thanks, Spirit of St. Louis!) Lindbergh was only 25 at the time. Life was different back then. Ironically, there's a band called "1927" that has a Facebook profile. Go figure.

What WAS 1927 like, you ask? Well, here ya go: Coolidge was U.S. President. Adolf Hitler was making speeches in Germany. The average annual income of U.S. wage-earners was about $1,000. Middle-class families with incomes of $3,000 or more generally had domestic help. Phillips Petroleum became known as Phillips 66 (named for a Highway 66 near the company's first refinery). About 60% of homes had electricity. U.S. commercial planes flew a grand total of about 37,000 people around the globe in that whole year. Click HERE

The 49ers and the Chargers play tonight. Those pesky 49ers are behind the Rams in our division. Click HERE

St. Louis still doesn't know which Chiefs QB we'll face this weekend. I think K.C. should just not use a quarterback. Sound good? Click HERE

Jon Bon Jovi is a busy boy. And now, he's been asked by President Obama to service on a new presidential advisory council. Bon Jovi will join the new 25-member White House Council for Community Solutions, a panel established to provide advice on "the best ways to mobilize citizens, nonprofits, businesses and government to work more effectively together to solve specific community needs." So, Bon Jovi may not have made it into the Hall of Fame, but he is doing, um, whatever this panel is doing. Click HERE

Michael Vick is legally barred from ever owning a dog again. Makes sense. But Vick says, quote, "I would love to get another dog in the future. I think it would be a big step for me in the rehabilitation process." (Sure it would. But, what about the dog?) Vick continued, quote, "I think just to have a pet in my household and to show people that I genuinely care, and my love and my passion for animals." Vick blames his upbringing for not knowing that dog fighting was wrong, saying, quote, "When I was younger, I got caught up in dog fighting. It was something to do. I hate to use our culture as an excuse." (I'm sorry. Who's culture are you talking about?) "It is what is it. I love animals. I love dogs. I love birds. I love all types of animals. But this is just the way I was brought up. Nobody ever told me it was the wrong thing to do." (And, while I understand that, wouldn't it just OCCUR to you at some point that it's not right to beat and starve animals in order to get them to become mean enough to kill other animals?) Vick says that he works with the Humane Society and goes out on speaking engagements even though the courts don't make him. And he says he's learned his lesson, saying, quote, "Dog fighting is prominent all across the country, and I know it goes on in a lot of different urban areas. A lot of kids have probably seen it happening before. Hopefully, they're not involved in it, and hopefully they take away from what happened in my situation and avoid it at all costs." Click HERE

Amongst fans Vick has more Pro Bowl votes than Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. So I guess we've forgiven him. Click HERE

And the "Sunday Night Football" broadcast of the Cowboys-Eagles game this past weekend was the most watched SNF EVER. 25.7 million people tuned in to watch Vick's Eagles narrowly beat the Cowboys 30 - 27.

The Christmas story gets a Fab Four makeover from the director of contemporary worship ministries of Kirkwood United Methodist Church. Tonight and tomorrow night at 7pm at St. Louis Community College at Meramec Theatre (11333 Big Bend) you can see the familiar story of the nativity as told entirely through the music of the Beatles. No, really.

For more info:

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