December 17, 2010


I blew Christmas! I lost my iPod several months ago. I was Christmas shopping yesterday when I saw a deal that offered a free $25.00 gift card with an iPod purchase and I thought ‘eureka’! I get the iPod and my wife will get the gift card in her stocking. Win-Win, right? Wrong! When my wife got home last night and saw the iPod on the dining room table she was NOT happy. THAT was to be my BIG present this year from her. She had already purchased an iPod and had it hidden for the big day. “Now…she asked…what am I supposed to give you on Christmas morning”? The road to hell is paved with good intentions…and I’m on the highway to hell!


Is the Fab Four getting back together? No, it's not reanimation. It's technology. Rumors abound that Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr will perform alongside digital images of the late John Lennon and George Harrison at a concert next year at Los Angeles' historic Hollywood Bowl in late August. And, no, this isn't a money grab for the surviving Beatles; it will be a fundraiser for world peace and breast cancer charities. Click HERE

Speaking of the Beatles, the Christmas story gets a Fab Four makeover from the director of contemporary worship ministries of Kirkwood United Methodist Church. But don't miss out. It ends tonight at 7pm at St. Louis Community College at Meramec Theatre (11333 Big Bend). You know you see the familiar story of the nativity as told entirely through the music of the Beatles, don't you?

For more info:

Yoko Ono has uploaded printable versions of the "War is over! If you want it. Happy Christmas from John and Yoko" posters that John Lennon and Yoko originally displayed on billboards in late 1969 in New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Amsterdam. On Yoko's website, she posted a message which read, "Dead Friends, Download, print and display these posters in your window, school, workplace, car and elsewhere over the holiday season. Send them as postcards to your friends. We say it in so many ways, but we are one. I love you! Yoko.

Download your poster HERE:

Finally! Procrastination pays!!! If you're not finished with your holiday shopping, go online today and enjoy Free Shipping Day! More than 1500 online retailers are participating, like Macy's, JCPenny, Toys R Us ad Nordstrom, offering free shipping and guaranteed delivery by Christmas Eve.

For more info on participating retailers, clicky HERE:

Congratulations to Tony Romo, who's now engaged to former Miss Missouri and current Dallas sports reporter, Candice Crawford. Click HERE

I usually think pro football players are waaayyy overpaid, but then I hear things like this, and I doubt myself. The open-air TCF Bank Stadium will be the site of Monday night's Vikings-Bears game, despite a 40% chance of snow, a temperature of 10-15 degrees at kickoff and a frozen field. Workers are clearing snow and ice from the outdoor facility at the U. of Minnesota to get it ready for Monday.

The Vikings' Brett Favre says he still feels discomfort in his sprained right shoulder and numbness in his hand, the injury that kept him out of Minnesota's last game and ended his NFL record streak of 297 starts. And, really, can ya blame him for skipping out on this one? He's already ruined his streak. Why not just stay warm and toasty Monday night? Joe Webb will likely get his first NFL start since Favre's backup, Tarvaris Jackson, is out for the year with a toe injury. Click HERE

El Monstero performs at the Pageant, starting tonight and going through December 26th. If you're a Floyd fan, you don't want to miss this! But shows are selling out quickly, so get those tix today at Ticketmaster or The Pageant Box office. Click HERE

Jeff Bridges is on SNL tonight. He's promoting two upcoming films, "Tron," which opens today, and "True Grit," which opens December 22nd. Click HERE

If you'd like to read my reviews of "Tron" and of Mark Wahlberg's "The Fighter," which open today, click on "Mac at the Movies" on our morning show page.

The annual "New Year for the Strays Trivia Night" is January 8th at the Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark! The event benefits Stray Rescue of St. Louis, along with several spay/neuter programs that are such an important part of contributing the animal rescue efforts in the city of St. Louis. Event hosts expect another sellout for the second-largest trivia night in all of St. Louis, so they recommend that you register early.

Tables of 10 are $300, and corporate table for $500 includes 2 valet parking passes, a VIP gift bag and a personal runner/server for your table. And, thanks to the St. Louis Cardinals, the first 150 people who donate a bag of Purina dog food will receive a voucher good for 2 tickets to a 2011 Cardinals regular season home game – vouchers are limited so be sure to arrive early!

To register a table or as an individual, please go to: and enter event code Trivia2011

Have a wonderful weekend, and stay warm!


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