Where to Listen
Where can I listen to KHITS 96?
1. Stream
CLICK HERE for the fastest, easiest way to listen to KHITS on the web. Our streaming audio player has been tested to work with the latest versions of all major web browsers, but if you experience any issues please email us.

2. HD Radio
Thousands of radio stations across the USA have committed to converting their stations to digital transmission and KHITS 96 is one of them! CLICK HERE to learn more about HD Radio, but simply put: if you have an HD Radio, you'll be experiencing KHITS with CD-like digital sound quality.

3. FM Dial 96.3
Ready to leave the internet? Nothing wrong with the original method of getting your KHITS fix. We're still 96.3 FM on your standard radio dial.

4. Mobile Apps
If you have a smartphone, there is a good chance it is an iPhone or Android device. If so, we've got you covered with our FREE Mobile Apps for both. To download, click on the appropriate icon to the right.
5. TuneIn
TuneIn is a free service that lets you listen to anything in the world from wherever you are. Whether you want to hear music, sports, news or current events, TuneIn offers over 70,000 stations, and KHITS is one of them. Visit our page: CLICK HERE

6. iHeartRadio
iHeartRadio is a free, all-in-one digital service that lets you find more than 1,000 Live Stations or create commercial-free Custom Stations featuring the artist you select and similar music. Visit our page: CLICK HERE
