When man and machine collide, you get "Radio Rich" Dalton of KHITS-96! Rich is wired to recall obscure facts, dates, and words, as well as entertain the St. Louis rock community. Bringing rock to the St. Louis airwaves since 1968, Radio Rich was playing new cuts of music at the height of their popularity which are, indeed, the same songs you currently hear on KHITS-96 today! Chances are that you have met or seen Rich in person at one of the thousands of public appearances he has made over the years. If not, maybe you remember him from the front cover of Rolling Stone magazine or onstage as the guitarist for The Classics Band or The Fourth Row. Whatever the case, "Radio Rich" Dalton has been, and will remain, a permanent fixture in the rock and roll world! Rich punches in each day 10AM and leads the K-HITS workforce through the midday!
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June 01, 2012:
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Interesting article about Van Halen
6/1/2012 11:10:00 AM
Word June 1 Friday Fugacious
6/1/2012 10:26:00 AM
- fugacious
- \fyoo-GAY-shus\
: lasting a short time : evanescent
The rock band's rise in popularity turned out to be fugacious, and within two years its members had moved on to other careers.
"It is of no surprise that their debt problem is not fugacious, it is insurmountable. It is an impossible task for Greece to pay its debt." — From a letter to the editor by Alfonso Tiu Henderson in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, February 12, 2012
"Fugacious" is often used to describe immaterial things like emotions, but not always. Botanists, for example, use it to describe plant parts that wither or fall off before the usual time. Things that are fugacious are fleeting, and etymologically they can also be said to be fleeing. "Fugacious" derives from the Latin verb "fugere," which means "to flee." Other descendants of "fugere" include "fugitive," ...