Drew Johnson's BlogDREW JOHNSON

WEEKDAYS 2:00pm-7:00pm

Drew Johnson launched his rock radio career at KSHE in 1983, and has been keeping listeners company ever since. Drew brought his legendary smooth, natural on-air style to K-HITS 96 in 2000, where he now shares his passion for music with afternoon drivers. Many don't know this, but Drew actually studied theater in college and had wanted to be a stage actor. But, as he says, "I was sidetracked by rock 'n roll." And St. Louis appreciates his decision to pursue that passion. Drew knows how to present the classic hits of yesterday in a manner that makes them just as alive and relevant today. His ability to connect and relate to his listeners makes Drew an irreplaceable piece of the KHITS lineup. St. Louis rock radio veteran, Drew Johnson, can be heard Monday through Friday from 2PM to 7PM.

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Displaying 1 posts found for June 07, 2012:

1. Concert Announcement by Drew Johnson @ 11 AM

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Concert Announcement

Posted 6/7/2012 11:25:00 AM

Whether you're a simple man workin for MCA, or a sharp dressed man wearin cheap sunglasses, you'll like our concert announcement Friday at 7am on K-HITS 96!  


<<June 2012>>
  • Broadcasting "Live" Saturday.....
    Join me this Saturday from 10 - noon at Suntrup Ford Westport (Page & Lindbergh).  We'll be broadcasting "Live" & giving away K-HITS t-shirts & Raging River Water Park passes.  I...
    Drew Johnson / Drew Johnson's Blog
  • Celeb photo's
    See more shots like this submitted by us & listeners at K-HITS.com/celeb.  If you've ever had a run-in with a celebrity or classic rock artist, send it in & we'll post it.  This pic ...
    Drew Johnson / Drew Johnson's Blog
  • Songwriters Hall Of Fame
    Thursday was the annual Songwriters Hall Of Fame ceremonies in New York.  Several rock artists & composers were there to perform & present awards.  Here's an ANS report on the evenin...
    Drew Johnson / Drew Johnson's Blog