Drew Johnson's Blog
http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/home.aspxDrew Johnson's Blogen-usCopyright 2012, KIHT-FMFri, 22 Jun 2012 08:19:36 GMTThu, 21 Jun 2012 17:35:29 GMT1http://emmisinteractive.comBroadcasting "Live" Saturday.....Join me this Saturday from 10 - noon at Suntrup Ford Westport (Page & Lindbergh). We'll be broadcasting "Live" & giving away K-HITS t-shirts & Raging River Water Park passes. If you've thought about buying a new Ford, now's the time! They're giving our listeners a minimum of $8000.00 on ANY trade-in!!!!!!! See you Saturday.
http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10397063[email protected] (Drew Johnson)http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10397063Thu, 21 Jun 2012 17:35:29 GMTCeleb photo'sSee more shots like this submitted by us & listeners at K-HITS.com/celeb. If you've ever had a run-in with a celebrity or classic rock artist, send it in & we'll post it. This pic of me was taken with Paul Dean, guitarist from Loverboy in 1984......http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10396144[email protected] (Drew Johnson)http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10396144Tue, 19 Jun 2012 15:47:03 GMTSongwriters Hall Of FameThursday was the annual Songwriters Hall Of Fame ceremonies in New York. Several rock artists & composers were there to perform & present awards. Here's an ANS report on the evening.
http://youtu.be/7TB6b24U4cQhttp://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10395784[email protected] (Drew Johnson)http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10395784Mon, 18 Jun 2012 18:53:10 GMTWehrenberg's new "5 Star Lounge"They call it a "lounge", but it's actually an intimate, over 21 movie theatre. Last night was "Media Night" at the Des Peres 14. A bunch of us previewed the new "lounge". We saw "Rock Of Ages", the new movie that actually opens to the public today. The movie was just okay in my opinion, as the seating & food took center stage last night. What a GREAT way to watch a movie on the big screen. The Des Peres 14 has devoted 2 of their rooms to the new concept. We sat in leather recliners that have buttons for heat, and one for orders to be placed with the waiters for food & drinks (alchohol included). It's a new concept that works well, if you want to spend a little extra money. We dined on Shrimp Tempura & Penne Pasta, while sipping wine & viewing the movie. Thanks to ...http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10395198[email protected] (Drew Johnson)http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10395198Fri, 15 Jun 2012 17:08:58 GMTConcert AnnouncementWhether you're a simple man workin for MCA, or a sharp dressed man wearin cheap sunglasses, you'll like our concert announcement Friday at 7am on K-HITS 96!
http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10391279[email protected] (Drew Johnson)http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10391279Thu, 07 Jun 2012 16:38:36 GMTHere's the pitch.....I don't watch much prime time television & when I am in front of the tv, it's usually to watch the Cardinals. However, at the suggestion of a friend, I began watching "Mad Men". Once I started, I couldn't stop! It was like an addiction. I borrowed the entire first 3 seasons from my friend, then started watching the live episodes. LOVE that program & if you have not seen it on AMC, shame on you! It's a great show!!! Anyhow, while watching, I was intrigued by the promo's for a new show on AMC called "The Pitch". Now I'm hooked on it. In fact, I went to "On Demand" and caught up on all the episodes (for free) and it's REALLY good. 2 advertising agencies compete for a client's ad dollars. Different agencies from different parts of the country compete each week. Check it out, if you haven't seen ...http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10389198[email protected] (Drew Johnson)http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10389198Fri, 01 Jun 2012 15:30:38 GMTFrieze Harley Davidson - Annual Cancer RideThis past Sunday was the annual "Frieze Ride For Cancer" & it was a GREAT turnout! Over 700 bikers showed up to support the cancer society. The ride began at Frieze Harley Davidson in O'fallon, Illinois & ended at GCS Ballpark with a silent auction of more than 30 baskets. Including a guitar that K-HIts provided, autographed by Dennis DeYoung from Styx & Lou Gramm, long time vocalist of Foreigner. Had a great time with our "Live" broadcast Saturday, while signing up riders & giving away prizes.
Thanks to everybody that came out!!! http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10385405[email protected] (Drew Johnson)http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10385405Mon, 21 May 2012 21:25:18 GMTGrizzlies & Hogs.....
Friday, May 18th, I'll be at The Gateway Grizzlies season opener broadcasting "Live" at GCS Ballpark. We'll have special "Opening Day T-Shirts" & other stuff to give away while we're there. The first 1000 people to enter the gate get a GCS rally towel. Game time is 7:05.
Saturday, May 19th from 11am - 1pm, I'll be broadcasting from Frieze Harley Davidson in O'Fallon Illinois. They're having their annual Open House event & we'll be giving away a ton of prizes.
http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10384553[email protected] (Drew Johnson)http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10384553Thu, 17 May 2012 21:21:57 GMTWin a trip from me to London, England!!!!!
Here's the deal. Come to the Hard Rock Union Station this Wed night by 8:00 & you'll be given a ticket at the door. We'll pull 5 tickets & those people, along with 5 others that already qualified will be in the running. That's all there is to it! No kidding!!!! Your odds to win a trip for 2 to London for the 3 day music event "Hard Rock Rising" will be 10 - 1 at that point. The show features Springsteen, Paul Simon, and a bunch more.
The great classic rock band "Super Jam" will be on stage Wed night from 7 - 10pm. They're REALLY good!!!!!
Join me, Drew Johnson. I'll announce the winners name at 9:00. http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10383193[email protected] (Drew Johnson)http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10383193Mon, 14 May 2012 21:55:27 GMTHappy Birthday to ME (and Steve Winwood)I'm in good company! I share a birthday with Steve Winwood tomorrow & I'M YOUNGER THAN HIM!!!! :)
My son is coming home from college & we're spending the day together, including a low-key barbeque in the backyard. Ahhhhh, life's simple pleasures!http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10382521[email protected] (Drew Johnson)http://www.k-hits.com/drewjohnson/blogentry.aspx?BlogEntryID=10382521Fri, 11 May 2012 16:54:13 GMT