• Don’t let traffic and road construction keep you from getting around town. Go Metro, flash your fare and get great deals with Metro's
Destination Deal$! • It’s easy: Your MetroBus or MetroLink Ticket or Pass is your ticket to savings! Participating businesses have agreed to offer great deals to customers who get there using MetroBus and/or MetroLink. Simply flash your fare and save. Go to your favorite business, or try out a new one. For full details regarding Destination Deal$, please click here.
• Either way, get off the street and get on Transit. Go Metro, get Destination Deal$, and save money. Plan your trip on Metro with TRIPfinder and find out how getting there is a snap with Metro.
• Remember, MetroLink will not be affected by Highway construction! Plus, there are several convenient MetroBus Transfer Centers to help folks get around town.