KHITS 96 is St. Louis' Classic Hits station. KHITS reaches more
35-54 year-olds in St. Louis each week than any other station. KHITS'
listeners are active consumers who will drive your business to greater
levels. If you're interested in on-air advertising on KIHT, contact
Rusch, Sales Manager, today at 314.613.7813.
Interested in advertising on Our audience consists
of a desirable but elusive target - the affluent, educated web users
and the hard-to-reach at work audience. This connection to such
a powerful and influential audience results in a more effective
media buy for you. creates custom proposals for advertisers
and advertising rates are not distributed publicly. Please contact
Joe Orlet, Interactive Sales Coordinator, today at 314.613.7782 for more
800 St. Louis Union Station
The Powerhouse
St. Louis, MO 63103
(314) 621-4106
(314) 621-3000 fax
Business Hours: 8:30AM - 5:30PM