Unstoppable opens Friday, November 12th.
Sometimes a film full of clichés is unbearable. And then sometimes you're reminded that clichés exist because there's a truth to them, a comfortable familiarity. "Unstoppable" is chock full of clichés, and I enjoyed every one.
Denzel Washington plays a train engineer who is about to be forced out to pasture. Chris Pine (the upgrade from The Shat as Captain Kirk in the recent, super-cool "Star Trek") plays the new breed of employee: cheap, inexperienced, and probably there because his daddy knows somebody. They're forced to work together, and eventually they're forced to save the world together...or at least northern Pennsylvania.
A runaway train full of dangerous toxic chemicals is flying through heavily populated areas, and the bosses and the experts just can't seem to stop it. But Denzel can...he hopes. His beautiful daughters could be in the path of this speeding train-turned-missile. If Washington and Pine can just learn to understand each other, to trust each other, maybe everything will be okay.
I know, it's ridiculous. Think of every cliché, every over-used plot device. It's all in here. But I was still cheering for these guys to stop that darned train. Don't judge yourself too harshly for being caught up in it all; just enjoy.