Read Me

Everything that I say on the radio or write here is based on my own personal experiences. The things that I suggest are all things that I do myself. If you haven’t already noticed, I am a person that has given a great deal of thought to many things and I am confident that what I offer can work for most of you and that I have rigorously tested the ideas that I present.
However, I do not insist that my ways are the only ways that work. I also don’t believe that my ways are the “right” ways. This means that if you think differently, I don’t imply that you are somehow “wrong”. I merely present ideas that you may want to consider and perhaps act on.  Try them and see if they work for you.

Also, it is very important that when you adopt new ways of thinking, you must be patient and rigorous about applying them. It is not enough to read a book or go to a seminar that greatly inspires you to new thoughts. It can take a while for you to change habits of thinking that you may have had all your life. Reading a book or hearing an inspirational person is only a beginning. If you like the ideas of “Incommunicado” or the ideas of anyone who inspire you to improvement, revisit and reinforce these ideas until they become your habit of thinking.

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